
Overview of the 2021 Office Pro Plus Features and the Lifetime License Offer

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The 2021 Microsoft Office Professional Plus is a suite of MS office apps that comes with a lifetime licence, which most buyers misconstrue as a lifetime entitlement. Actually, the lifetime label pertains to the duration by which the Microsoft product is in existence and does not relate to the life of the software user/owner.

Nerdused, a reliable Microsoft Partner, recommends the Office 2021 Professional Plus to individuals who need tools and solutions for managing their documents and data. Most tools in the 2019 edition have been overhauled in the 2021 version,

The Office 2021 Professional Plus is suitable for individuals who perform data analysis, especially when needing to analyze large volumes of data for their business documents.

Designers also appreciate the 2021 Office Professional Example of image stored i n SVG formatPlus improvement of being able to save images and graphics in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format. It’s a web-friendly format that allows storing images by way of mathematical formulas as opposed to storing pixel images by way of raster files. Storing images in SVG format do not result in loss of image quality when scaling. Besides, SVG files are not as space-consuming as raster files.

However, Microsoft has discontinued the development of a new version of the Office Pro Plus software. As an alternative to buying the latest version of an MS office application like Word, Excel or PowerPoint, customers can obtain all app upgrades via the subscription-based Microsoft 365. The latter offers not only up-to-date versions of the familiar MS Office apps but also online services such as One Drive. Microsoft Teams and

Rather than pay for a one-time purchase of a new version, MS office apps, users can instead sign up for a subscription plan that offers more than just app upgrades.

Nevertheless, Nerdused guarantees purchasers of the 2021 Office Plus software of receiving 24/7 customer assistance and support when seeking for updates without need to purchase a new version.

Other Features Included in a Microsoft 365 Subscription

Image depicting family using microsoft 365 apps simultaneouslyA Microsoft 365 Basic is a subscription for one person, but customers have the option to sign up for the Microsoft 365 Family subscription plan. The latter permits a subscriber to share the Microsoft 365 benefits to as many as five (5) people belonging to his or her family group.

The condition denotes that each authorized family member can install the Microsoft apps on their respective devices. Moreover, all five can sign-in to the MS 365 apps simultaneously.

All subscription plans include the Microsoft 365 app for Android devices, which allows users to stay productive while on the go.

Other features of the Microsoft 365 plans include secure photo and file storage, ad-free email, 100GB of cloud storage and Microsoft support.


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